本來幫 baby 取英文名 “Tammy”,主要是為了兩個理由:一為 “Tammy” 發音近似 baby 原來的中文名字,二來是以為 “Tammy” 為 “太陽神” 之意 (從 Google 可以找到一大堆的中文網頁這樣解釋),與 baby 的中文名意思相近。
不過,後來仔細找了一下,發現在外國人的眼中,“Tammy” 似乎是與 “太陽神” 沒什麼關係。
Name: Tammy
Gender: (Female)
Origin: Aramaic
Meaning: Twin
意謂 “Tammy” 是來自亞拉姆語 (Aramaic),為雙子星 (Twin) 之意。
意謂 “Tammy” 是來自希伯來文,是 “完美 (perfection)” 或 “棕櫚樹 (palm tree)” 之意。
上面這些東西完全與 “太陽神” 沒有關係。
一直到了前兩天,終於找到了 “Tammy” 與 “太陽神” 的一絲微弱關連 -- Colossi of Memnon,門儂巨像。
Amenhotep III (18th Dynasty) built a mortuary temple in Thebes that was guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. All that remains now are the 23 meter (75 ft) high, one thousand ton statues of Amenhotep III. Though damaged by nature and ancient tourists, the statues are still impressive.
古埃及第十八王朝 (18th Dynasty) 的法老阿蒙霍特普三世 (Amenhotep III) 在 Thebes 蓋了座祭殿,殿門外有兩座巨大的石像守護。時至今日,雖然歷經大自然及歷代遊客的破壞,這兩座阿蒙霍特普三世巨像,仍有 23 公尺高、重達千噸,始終是另人印象深刻。
Ancient Egyptians called the southern of the two statues "Ruler of Rulers". Later travelers called them "Shammy and "Tammy", which may have been a corruption of the Arabic words for "left" and "right". Today they are known locally as "el-Colossat", or "es-Salamat". The statues are made from carved blocks of quartzite quarried either at Giza or Gebel es-Silsila. The Northern statue depicts Amenhotep III with his mother, Mutemwia, while the southern statue is of Amenhotep III with his wife, Tiy and one of his daughters. On the sides of the statues are reliefs depicting Nile gods joining together plants symbolizing Upper and Lower Egypt.
古代的埃及人稱南側的巨像為 “王中之王”;稍後的旅人稱這兩座巨像為 “Shammy” 及 “Tammy”,這可能是阿拉伯文 “左” 及 “右” 兩字的訛傳;現在當地人稱他們為 “el-Colossat” 或是 “es-Salamat”。這兩座巨像是從 Giza 或是 es-Silsila 所開採的石英岩雕鑿而成的石塊所造。北側的巨像是阿蒙霍特普三世與他母親 (Mutemwia),南側的巨像是阿蒙霍特普三世與他的妻子 (Tiy) 及他的一名女兒。兩座巨像的四週則是描述尼羅河神與象徵上、下埃及植物的雕刻。
Due to an earthquake in 27 BC, these statues became known for a bell like tone that usually occurred in the morning due to rising temperatures and humidity. Thus they were equated by the early Greek travelers with the figure of Memnon, the son of Aurora who's mother, Eos, was the goddess of dawn. To be granted a song meant that you were very much in favor of the gods. Visitors came from miles around to hear the music, including Emperor Hadrian, in 130 A.D. The Roman emperor Septimius Severus, seeking to repair the statues in 199 AD, inadvertently silenced them forever.
於西元前 27 年的一場地震後,這些巨像在清晨時因溫度及濕度漸升,經常會發出如鐘鳴般的音調 (因為地震導致石像的缺陷?)。因此,早期的希臘旅人想像成這是希臘神話中的門儂王 (Memnon) 在歌頌他的母親 “晨曦女神 Eos” (拉丁名為 Aurora)。於是遊客都為了聽這歌聲不遠千里而來,甚至於西元 130 年時,羅馬皇帝 Hadrian 也來此一遊。到了西元 199 年時,羅馬皇帝 Septimius Severus 試著去修復這些巨像,卻使得這歌聲永遠沈寂。
如果要把 “Tammy” 連上 “太陽神”,可能是這樣的關係吧:Tammy (阿拉伯文的 “右”) → Amenhotep III 阿蒙霍特普三世 → Memnon 門儂王 → Eos 晨曦女神 → 黎明曙光 → 太陽。如果屬實,這實在是一連串美麗的錯誤。
我想,“Tammy” 意謂 “太陽神” 這件事,會不會與 “門儂巨像” 這檔事也豪不相干,不過純是那些中文資料錯誤的想像/胡扯而已?因為只有中文資料有這樣的說法,而且,看來那些資料也都大同小異,明顯是來自於同一個來源。